Sunday, March 22, 2015

Then and Now

It's come that time of year again where prom season is in pretty much full force. With girls looking for dresses, searching the most popular and best looking way to do their hair, and of course you can't forget the most important thing; a date--things can become quite stressful if I say so myself. Many girls think that they have rough because they have to find the perfect dress and all the guy has to do is find a matching tie to go under his tux. Which I totally agree with it being very difficult to find the prefect dress, it sure does take a lot of time and work to find it. But over the weekend, my family and I got into a conversation, and it came to my attention that the boys also have it a bit rough as well if you think about it.
My aunts and cousins who are all 20 or older were talking about the ways they got asked to prom, which was a simple, "Hey do you want to go to prom with me" while you passed each other in the hallway, which to me sounded EXTREMELY weird because now a days the guy is expected to ask their date in a super extravagant way. Weather it be in front of the whole school at a sporting event or using a drum line during passing time in the foyer. It's almost like a competition on who can have the best way of asking their date. I've heard stories of people saying no to their dates because they didn't ask them in a big enough or cool enough way, and they weren't going to say yes until they asked them in a better way.
Being a girl, of course I wouldn't want to just get asked in the hallway when everyone else was getting asked in super cute ways but I don't think that i would ever say no to someone just because they didn't ask me in a "cute" enough way. This all just makes me wonder if when our generation gets proposed to if they will do the traditional getting down on one knee and proposing or if people will start asking their fiacé in a super crazy big way.

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