Abortions. A topic that comes up almost too often, but I don't think the argument of abortions will ever be resolved, especially not anytime soon.
I would say there are pros and cons of both sides that can be argued forever. I believe there is special instances when abortions are okay. I don't think it is right to just not be smart about things, knowing that you could have an abortion as a back up plan. But I also don't think it's right to not have it as an option.
One instance would be rape cases. That girl that got raped didn't ask for a child nor want to be in that situation in the first place, so why should she be forced to have one? Especially if she's not ready; that's not fair to either the mother nor the child. I also believe that young girls make mistakes, especially being a teenage girl myself, I realize this first hand. Why should one mistake define you for the rest of your life? If you are forced to have this child that you don't truly want, what kind of life is that going to be for not only you, but also the child? That's completely unfair on both ends. I don't like that some girls would use it as an excuse like. "Oh no worries, I can always get an abortion." But I also don't think that one mistake should define you for the rest of your life.
The process to get an abortion should be long and difficult so that you learn from it and never want to have to go through it again. Along with that, information and knowledge should be given out about it so girls don't think they can just do it whenever they want and have it as a back-up plan if something were to happen unexpectedly.
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