Sunday, January 18, 2015


Senioritis is something that I could say for a majority of us, is really hitting hard right about now. Which if I say so myself is probably not quite a good thing to be happening considering we still have over half of a school year to complete. But hey why wouldn't it, almost all of us have been accepted to colleges, applied for scholarships and worst of all started to give up.

Being a student who used to really enjoy school, it has been very apparent that me and many classmates are all suffering from a little bit of senioritis because it has become very hard to get myself motivated enough to get myself to get out of bed in the morning and get to school.

I'm not really sure if its because I dread having to get ready in the morning and having to see hundreds of immature underclassmen run around like wild Indians, who if I say so myself are EXTREMELY annoying. Like, yeah I get that I was in their shoes just 3 short years ago, but still I don't think I was ever THAT annoying, but i guess that's what comes with growing up!

One piece of advice i have even if im not taking my own advice is don't give up, and fall into the trap of senioritis. Yeah you may think you're too cool for school right now, but your aren't going to be too cool when your college that you've already been accepted to get your final transcript at the end of the year and sees that you slacked off at the end of the year, and suddenly they decide that they no longer have accepted you and you now have to spend your summer scurrying around trying to final a college that will accept me, TRUST ME doesn't sound like a very fun way to spend your first summer out of high school.

All Work No Play?

High school; the best four years and the worst four years. It is a journey, no matter how you look at it. I have very strong opinions on how high school, and life for that matter, should be looked at. No matter who you are, what friend group you have, what grades you get, what you like to do, school should be a FUN experience. You don’t have many years left in your life to be able to just have fun and not go to a job every day, all day.
So many people look at high school as a preparation for your future; as a time to crack down; a time where you’re predicting where the rest of your life will lead you. So many people think if you’re not a 4.0 GPA student, or an all-state athlete, then you’re screwing up. I hate the thoughts schools, parents, teachers, and society in general shove into our heads thinking we can never have fun. All work no play; trust me that is NOT the way.
These are four years where you can go find yourself; four years to find what your passionate about; four years to find something that makes you happy. Doing school work 24/7 isn’t what makes anyone happy, I guarantee it. I’m not saying to go out and party all the time. Wait, jk I am. HAVE FUN. You have the rest of your life to have responsibilities and be tied down with tons of work. This time, here and now, this is your chance to have crazy fun. Put yourself out there; do what you want; break the rules; be a rebel; DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY, because honestly, what else matters?
I think that you should do WHATEVER makes you happy. Don’t do things just because you think you have to. You only have ONE life. Love it how YOU want to. I hate when people take school so seriously and work way too hard, not having a social life or any fun along the way. How are you going to feel when you’re 50 and look back at our highschool/college years just to have memories of your head in your book and making flash cards all night. I understand wanting to work hard to get a good job and be successful but there’s a fine line between working hard and working too hard. I get good grades and take hard classes but I also am having the time of my life these years in high school. I would rather be semi successful with a ton of great memories than be super successful with nothing but money and brains. One days these are all just going to memories so let’s make them all worth remembering!

Family is Forever

When you’re little, I think we all go through that stage where our parents are our everything. They protect us from scary things, they show us right and wrong, they lead us in the right direction, they basically do everything a kid needs to feel complete. What we don’t realize, (or at least this is true for me) is that they never really go away from being our everything, we just have so much going on that we don’t see them behind the scenes in our lives, doing everything they can to better us. 
Being a teenager, I will admit I’m guilty, just like many others, of neglecting the love and care my parents give me. I’m never home and never really fill them in on my life, which I think is just part of growing up because come on, who wants to tell there mom the latest gossip of who's dating who, what girls are fighting over the hottest guy in school, and all those things that come along with being in high school-- that's right, none of us. 
At this age, friends are everything. We constantly want to be with our friends instead of family. They know everything about your life, if not more and are always there to hear your problems that you cant talk to anyone else about, not even your dog. 
 Until recently I never stopped to realize that although right now I think all my friends are great and will be there for me no matter what, you can never really be sure. Its crazy to look back to freshman year and see who i was all friends with, compared to now. You wouldn't believe how much has changed. As you grow up you realize who your real friends are and who will actually be there when you need them.
One thing you can be sure of though as you grow up, is that your parents will have your back, through thick and thin, come hell or high water. They are our everything from the first second of our lives to our last, whether we recognize it or not. And one day your going to go off to college and travel the world leaving your parents behind, and someday weather it be today, tomorrow or 30 years from now theyre going to be gone and they wont be there to give you a hug when your having a bad day and they wont be there for you to call when you're home sick, so just remember that next time and don't ever take your parents for granted.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Nothin' but a little bit of road rage

Sure, I can admit it. I have road rage and I like to get as fast as I can with the shortest route possible. I mean yeah I enjoy listening to all the new songs on the radio but I would much rather get where I’m going and get off the roads with all the terrible annoying drivers.
I wouldn’t call myself a bad driver; I would just say that I am a driver with confidence. But when I come across someone going extremely slow in the left lane, like c’mon now your making everyones life more angry and trust me, and angry driver is not someone you want to be around. If you are going the speed limit, or slightly above it, honey the fast lane is NOT for you. The left lane is for speed demons like me who cant stand slow pokes like you, and instead of me ridding your butt the whole way to our destinations, I have the chance to blow by you. By people poking along in the left lane taking there sweet ole time stops me from being able to do so, and in turn, makes me want to explode. I may or may not shove you of the road if you do this (just kidding).
Another thing that I can’t stand about some ridiculously stupid drivers is why you find the need to sit in the right lane at a stop light if you’re going straight. I want to be able to still turn right on the red light and can’t do so when you and your dumb self is just sitting there waiting for the light to turn green when I could’ve already been on my merry way but you just HAD to be a pain in the butt, you could’ve easily sat at the light in the left lane if you were going straight and been perfectly fine and also would’ve made me a happy camper instead of a grumpy one; nobody likes a dumpy camper.
When I am in the car with one of my friends driving and they don’t use their horn in instances where they should, that also bring great frustration. People! You have a horn for a reason, USE IT! Most of the time I usually just honk it for them because I want to let the yahoos in front of me that they’re in the wrong and they are making me mad.
 I could talk about an endless number of things that bother me on the road, but the last major one is PEOPLE WHO RIDE THEIR BIKES IN THE ROAD. YOU’RE NOT A CAR, NOR ANYTHING CLOSE TO IT. You are a 2 wheeled thing going about as fast as a grandma in her wheelchair. I can’t stand when bikes think they have the right to be on the road with me. I just want to run them over. Like you don’t belong here. When there’s a sidewalk right next to the road they’re riding in I just can’t take it. Why in the world do you feel the need to slow traffic, make people furious, and put your life on the line, just to ride on the street instead of the sidewalk. Move your butt out of the road or I will move it for you.

Miles and Miles from the start

Miley Cyrus. She’s come miles and miles from where she started, and inspired millions along the way. The list of things I admire about her could go on forever, but lately she’s been in the spotlight, and not in a good way.
If you listen to one of Miley’s new songs, (or any of her songs for that matter) you couldn’t argue the deepness of each line. People are so quick to judge her by her music videos, or her performances, but they don’t think about why; why does she act that way. Do you realize how much say she has in her videos compared to her managers and directors? Maybe she’s acting out because she’s hurt. This pictures explains exactly how I feel about this situation.
Miley was a star from day one. Her show was one of the best Disney Channel had to offer. (in their good days) She went on to star in amazing movies like The Last Song where most of America fell in love with her all over again. That’s also where we fell in love with Miliam (Miley + Liam) but sadly, no one truly knows where they stand today. They were/are engaged but it was pushed back, and maybe even called off. No one really knows for sure.
The number one thing I admire about Miley is her ability to not care what ANYONE has to say about her. You’d think with all the hate she’s been getting, she’d tweet or say something back at them, but she has yet to. She doesn’t care what they have to say. As in her song We Can’t Stop, “forget the haters, cus somebody loves ya.” She’s completely her own person and likes to be out there and different. As gorgeous as she was with her long hair, I highly respect her cutting it all off simply because she wanted to.
If you know me at all, you know my biggest pet peeve is when people say, “I miss the old Miley.” PEOPLE GROW UP. Are you the same person as you were when you were 11? no. Do you make the same decisions, look the same, act the same, and feel the same as you did at 11? NO. She’s just trying to grow up and find herself. I admire how crazy and fun she is, because at least she realizes you’re only young once so why not live it up?

I just wish people would give Miley the credit she deserves. She’s came miles and miles from where she started, and she’s inspired millions along the way. People are so quick to judge her when they know absolutely nothing. What if people judged you that quickly?

An UBER good idea

Uber is an up and coming app based taxi company that is headquartered in San Francisco, California. But it’s not like most other taxi companies. It is different in a way, and it puts a better name and face on taxi services.
Uber is a company run by every day people like you and me, who are just looking for little bit of extra cash. Whether they be an accountant, business man or another job requiring a degree, they sign up, and in their free time they offer they’re time to help people out as a taxi.
In order for the person to become a drive they must register they’re car and it has to meet requirements, of a new model and must be a nice car. Most people who use this service are also doing pretty good financially because you must have a Pay Pal account that is hooked up to a checking account. This also makes it much safer for the driver because they never have any cash on them, dropping the chances of them getting robbed.
Along with the plus of getting to ride in a nice car the best part about Uber is that it costs half the price of a regular taxi service. It also only charges you for one person, unlike the other cab services that add an extra charge for additional people in the car; which if you’re going a really long ways, it can all add up!
I was first told about this service by one of my math teachers who had traveled to Florida and had about an hour drive from the airport he was at to his hotel. He was picked up in a 2014 car and saved half the money that he would've spent if he would've taken yellow cab or a different cab company.
I think that the idea of having a company like this is a very good idea because it saves people money to be driven around in nicer cars and instead of nasty torn up cars driven by god knows who.
Uber has brought up many controversies between other cab companies because it has dropped they’re business immensely, but hey who wouldn't want to be driven in a luxury car for half the price?