Sunday, January 11, 2015

Nothin' but a little bit of road rage

Sure, I can admit it. I have road rage and I like to get as fast as I can with the shortest route possible. I mean yeah I enjoy listening to all the new songs on the radio but I would much rather get where I’m going and get off the roads with all the terrible annoying drivers.
I wouldn’t call myself a bad driver; I would just say that I am a driver with confidence. But when I come across someone going extremely slow in the left lane, like c’mon now your making everyones life more angry and trust me, and angry driver is not someone you want to be around. If you are going the speed limit, or slightly above it, honey the fast lane is NOT for you. The left lane is for speed demons like me who cant stand slow pokes like you, and instead of me ridding your butt the whole way to our destinations, I have the chance to blow by you. By people poking along in the left lane taking there sweet ole time stops me from being able to do so, and in turn, makes me want to explode. I may or may not shove you of the road if you do this (just kidding).
Another thing that I can’t stand about some ridiculously stupid drivers is why you find the need to sit in the right lane at a stop light if you’re going straight. I want to be able to still turn right on the red light and can’t do so when you and your dumb self is just sitting there waiting for the light to turn green when I could’ve already been on my merry way but you just HAD to be a pain in the butt, you could’ve easily sat at the light in the left lane if you were going straight and been perfectly fine and also would’ve made me a happy camper instead of a grumpy one; nobody likes a dumpy camper.
When I am in the car with one of my friends driving and they don’t use their horn in instances where they should, that also bring great frustration. People! You have a horn for a reason, USE IT! Most of the time I usually just honk it for them because I want to let the yahoos in front of me that they’re in the wrong and they are making me mad.
 I could talk about an endless number of things that bother me on the road, but the last major one is PEOPLE WHO RIDE THEIR BIKES IN THE ROAD. YOU’RE NOT A CAR, NOR ANYTHING CLOSE TO IT. You are a 2 wheeled thing going about as fast as a grandma in her wheelchair. I can’t stand when bikes think they have the right to be on the road with me. I just want to run them over. Like you don’t belong here. When there’s a sidewalk right next to the road they’re riding in I just can’t take it. Why in the world do you feel the need to slow traffic, make people furious, and put your life on the line, just to ride on the street instead of the sidewalk. Move your butt out of the road or I will move it for you.

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