Sunday, December 21, 2014

Is SMART lunch really SMART?

SMART lunch is a new thing that was incorporated into the Kennedy High School schedule this year. This time is a section of the day that is specially cut out for students to do homework, get extra help from teachers, or go to different clubs and activities depending on the day. The lunch time is split up into two separate tutorials; an A and a B. With having it split into two separate times, it allows students to have time to meet with two different teachers, or meet with a teacher during one tutorial and eating lunch or working on other homework during the other. Along with that both juniors and seniors are allowed to leave campus during this whole 80 min time period.
In theory I feel that the idea of SMART lunch is a good one and has potential, but I feel like there are too many flaws in it still, into order to be put into action. Being a student that had a full schedule my junior year going to class from 7am till 2:45, along with juggling a job and being involved in extra curricular activities it became very hard to find time to go in and get help if I needed it or time to simply just do homework. Being that most of my teachers only had time before school but I was unable to go in because I had a zero hour class. So in that aspect, I feel that SMART lunch could become very helpful for many students but at this point still need a little bit of work.
But on the other side, as one of my teachers said, "the students who need the help, are the ones who aren't using the time wisely. If they're doing bad in the class or missing classes not wanting to be there in the first place, there's no way they're going to spend extra time in that classroom." Which personally I agree, there's obviously a reason that the student is not going to class, and I feel as though they aren't enforcing the rules as good as they should be. One thing they did do that I feel is maybe helping keep students aware of their grades and actually caring about school is giving out stickers on students ID's. In order to get a sticker you must have a grade no lower than a C in any of your classes, and if you do you aren't allowed to leave campus during the whole 80 minute lunch period. Along with that if you have a grade lower than a C on your transcript from the previous trimester you are also not allowed to leave campus.
Another flaw I see in the idea of SMART lunch is that both freshman and sophomores aren't allowed to leave, which i see why because most of them aren't able to drive, but what are they sopped to do if they have all there homework done and don't need any help? This trimester they changed the rules so that no one can be in the foyer during B tutorial. So what are these students supposed to do when there is nothing to do besides sit in the cafeteria or scramble to find some where to go because they aren't quite sure what they should be doing?

Like i said before i feel that the idea of SMART lunch is a fantastic one because of all of the positive things that could potentially come out of it, but as of now i think there are too many flaws and its not quite put together well enough to be put into action as of now.

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